Focus: Crofton Liberal Democrats

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Deteriorating Community Noticeboards

by Alex Brims on 15 March, 2018

 Our survey about the deteriorating community noticeboards sparked a big response.

SHUFFLEBOARD. Alex Brims had to search for a space when he publicised a local event recently. Maybe new boards could have a plaque asking users to remove their old notices

Most residents said they would prefer to keep them open to all users, so that club secretaries etc can put them up at whatever time they visit the village.

Some commented on misuse, such as failure to remove out-dated notices, or use by commercial firms with little connection with Stubbington.

Fareham Council is unwilling to fund “free access” replacements because they would have no control over their content – even though removing the boards when they become unfit for use could cost the Council as much as refurbishing them.

Jim Forrest is working with other councillors and local organisations to see if an approach can be found that would meet the Council’s objections and still allow easy access for residents and local organisations to publicise their events.