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Developers eye up more countryside

by Jim Forrest on 12 May, 2018

A company calling itself Fareham Land, part of the Pegasus Group,has published a proposal to build 200 homes on land between the old and new routes of Newgàte Lane, surrounding the historic Peel Farm house.
They say it would “provide a naturàl extension” to the 475-home community proposed east of the new road in Fareham Council’s Draft Local Plan.
They don’t mention that under the Draft Local Plan, the land west of the new road remains part of the strategic gap separating Stubbington frrom Fareham. Nor do they mention that the land on which Fareham Council is proposing to allow up to 475 homes under its revised plan is itself being sliced from the strategic gap as it was agreed under the original Local Plan in 2015. (Local Conservatives also neglected to mention that in their recent election literature).
Despite the company’s name, Fareham Land has nothing to do with Fareham Council. Their publicity mentions “pre-application discussions with the Council’s planning officers”, but that that doesn’t imply Council support – officers are obliged to have talks with anyone who proposes a development.

The company has not yet submitted any formal planning application. We’ll alert residents if they do, and we’ll publicise the timetable for residents’ comments.
The company is holding a public exhibition on Tuesday, May 22, 3-7pm at St Matthew’s Church, Wych Lane, PO13 0JN. Their website, with further details, is