Focus: Crofton Liberal Democrats

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More pressure for housing sites

by Jim Forrest on 19 June, 2019

Fareham Council is running a Consultation until July 26 about revisions to its Local Plan.
This is because the Government has announced a new way to calculate housing need, and Fareham now needs to plan for at least 520 new houses every year.
There will be a Community Action Team meeting about it at Holy Rood Church on July 8. Details of later CAT meetings can be found at
It’s a big issue for Stubbington and Hill Head.
Persimmon wants to build 261 homes on the land east of Crofton Cemetery. Other developers have their eye on land near Newgate Lane.
Till now these sites have been part of the Strategic Gap – but will a new Local Plan still protect them?

Ad Lib team members Jimmy Roberts, Carole Stone, Alex Brims and Jim Forrest view the threatened field south of Oakcroft Lane.