Focus: Crofton Liberal Democrats

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Community victory in Old Street appeal

by Jim Forrest on 22 January, 2019

Great news! Refusal of 150 homes in Old Street beside the National Nature Reserve has been confirmed by the Government’s Inspector.

As well as protecting Titchfield Haven, the reasons for refusal give hope that other parts of the Strategic Gap between Stubbington/Hill Head and Fareham can be defended.

Congratulations to the local residents who campaigned with such determination and skill .

To see the judgment, go to
and search for P/17/1451/OA

The Inspector’s ruling acknowledges that Fareham Council’s housing supply policies are out-of-date and do not meet Government requirements.

But it goes|on: “However, that does not mean that the protection of landscape character and the separation of settlements is a matter to be set aside.

“The National Planning Policy Framework (the Framework) recognises the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside and seeks the protection and enhancement of valued landscapes.

“Whilst strategic gaps are not specifically referred to, it endorses the creation of high quality places, which would include respecting the pattern and spatial separation of settlements.

Lib Dems have always argued that the green fields separating Stubbington from south Fareham are a priceless asset for the whole borough, keeping its character as a group of communities rather than a shapeless urban sprawl.