Focus: Crofton Liberal Democrats

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Village Notice Boards Need Replacement

by Jim Forrest on 9 February, 2018

2018, The boards are showing the effects of 16 years of service

2018, The boards are showing the effects of 16 years of service

The Informal noticeboards beside the car park and the library path are in need of replacement.

It’s been suggested that they should be replaced by glass- fronted cases, with keys held at local shops.

Village Notice Boards

Village Notice Boards

However this could make it difficult for people who work during the day to post notices.

The notice-boards were provided in the 1990s using funds allocated by Lib Dem Cllr Dorrine Burton-Jenkins.

They were replaced in 2002 after vandalism to the original ones. Tell us whether you’d prefer them replaced by closed or open-fronted boards.

2002 Jim and Dorrine unveil the new notice- boards

2002, Jim and Dorrine unveil the new notice- boards